Saturday, November 22, 2014

Whole30 and cravings

Yesterday was day 26 of my Whole30 Challenge.  I can honestly say through most of this challenge eating paleo clean has not been very difficult.  I haven't felt like I needed to eat sugar, bread and cheese or die!  Got to have a "drank" now or freak out.  It is surprising to me but this forth week was the most challenging.  

Maybe not such a surprise.  It's the week of my "woman's curse" LOL.  I got a cold sore.  I had two major meetings to prep the boss for.  I didn't get the info to research so I could prep the boss till the last minute.  The info changed multiple times at the very last minute.  

I worked super hard in the gym Tuesday and Wednesday so Thursday I had to rest to let my muscles recover so they'd be ready to go.  Yesterday, I spent over an hour standing outside the Pentagon in heels, a skirt, jacket and short sleeve shirt waiting for the shuttle that never came.  It was 39 degrees out and I was not dressed for spending time outside in it. I cannot make this up.  Finally we called someone in the office to pick us up walked to the other side of the building on painfully frozen feet still in those heels where he could get us.  My muscles were super tight and I was exhausted from that adventure so I gave myself a second consecutive rest night.  I came home to warm up and eat.  Totally needed it.  Then I was in bed early and slept for about 10 hours.  I feel like I made the right choice.  

What amuses me is that the time spent suffering in the cold made me crave pasta, dairy, and wine.  The stress the day before made me want a glass of wine.   I gave myself sparkling mineral water in a wine glass and it totally hit the spot both days.  Last night bison and sweet potato made me feel amazing, better that the fettuccine Alfredo with wine would have, if I remember correctly.  

I look forward to making zoodles and paleo Alfredo sauce but I want to wait until I finish the Whole30.  I know it may seem silly because I think the recipe is compliant but it's also a substitution and I just want to give it a bit more time.  Can't wait bake some paleo friendly pumpkin protein bars!  

I think this is 30 days because you really need that long to face all the emotional ups and downs you face during a month long period.  I know that some people think I am doing a fad diet or extreme diet but unless eating good, delicious, healthy, whole foods is faddish and extreme I think this is a lifestyle I will really enjoy.  I will obviously drink when I want to, when not on a challenge, but I was drinking too many empty calories with dangerous sugars.  It was definitely negatively impacting all the work I was doing in the gym. I want to see the work I am doing in the gym reflected on my body.  The way to do that is to properly fuel my body with food that nourishes it.  

Yesterday was the first cupcake that tempted me.  It was the Sprinkled bacon on top.  Um amazing!  That said, I didn't eat it or feel deprived.  I had a yummy cup herbal tea and my breakfast of ground lamb and broccoli.  

I am excited that I looked some cravings in the face over the last couple days.  I am delighted that I was able to see them for what they were, an emotional response to negative stimulus, not a real desire for something sweet in the morning or a plate of creamy pasta in the evening with a glass of rich deep red wine.  I want to enjoy those foods and drinks when I genuinely want the food or drink not when it is my emotional knee jerk reaction to negative stimulus, stress, or whatever.  

I am blessed that I can separate a genuine food craving from an emotional knee jerk reaction that leads me to shovel food in my face or drink a bottle of wine.  I am grateful for my Whole30 experience.

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