Sunday, November 9, 2014

Whole 30 - Week two

I am on day 14 of my Whole 30 challenge.  I don't think there is a good or easy time to do something like this.  My week one hurdle was Halloween and a party with strangers.  This week I raised the bar.  I had a chili cook off and a formal military event to attend.

During the chili competition, I hated not being able to try my friends' chili. Beer, sugar, beans are all non compliant and in their contributions.  I made it through the day and went about my business.  

Mostly the week isn't too hard.  People at work are supportive even if they tease just a bit.  I sidestepped office cupcakes that looked yummy.  I had romantic feelings for a pizza box on Wednesday or Thursday.  The thing is when it was time to hit the grocery store to re supply my meat I was totally cool.  Unfazed by the bread, cheese etc.  The pumpkin beer looked appealing but I will have some in a couple weeks and success will improve the flavor or erase that particular craving.

Last night, I attended an awesome dinner to recognize some very impressive men and women.  It was a formal military event and tradition means a cocktail reception, followed by wine with dinner and last night a Hennesy toast to a couple of the last living crewmembers from the Doolittle Tokyo Raiders.  

The event was just awesome, as in I was in awe.  LTC James Megellas received the Audie Murphy award.  Look him up.  Most decorated officer in 82nd Airborne History.  Completely awe inspiring .  3 Men spoke on the occasion of their 70th anniversary of their legendary stand at Bastogne.  It was incredible.  They are humble and professional.  (I should say I got to meet several of these heroes as they arrived.  I got a hug and kiss from one.  Such a great experience interacting with these men and women.)  The last Rosie the Riveter was honored.  Elinor Otto, 97 years old sharp as a tack, and still working.   LtGen Susan J Helms received the Doolittle Tokyo Raiders Wings of Valor Award.  SFC Joe Kapacziewski received recognition, he was the first and only Ranger to return to combat with a prosthetic limb.  The evening was very exciting.  It made me proud to share a uniform with these heroes and to share a dinner with all the people it takes to support and propel the military forward.  

I was able to avoid falling off the Whole30 challenge while enjoying an evening recognizing heroic men and women.  I think my unhealthy relationship with alcohol during these events was something I really did need to see and identify and realize that I could sidestep.  I am grateful for this challenge.  

Understand, I do want a glass of wine when this is over and I see a bit of bread and cheese as a treat as well but I know and understand that my body feels and performs so much better clean.  

On a side note.  I did not get to sleep until 2.  Got up at 630 and felt the exhaustion and slight headache I would  associate with a hangover.  I ate and felt immediately better and then I went to sleep on my sofa.  Sleep and food are so important in keeping us feeling healthy, happy, and strong.  

Week two down 16 days to go on my challenge and going strong.  

Pictures below are me and James Madio, played Perconte on Band of Brothers and presented the Audie Murphy award last evening.  

My dinner at the event seemed pretty compliant but something on the plate seemed to make my gut expand, it was a bit painful.  

Me at the event and me this week in the gym locker room.  

I don't know my scale gains/losses but I feel great, leaner, stronger, I lift more all the time and I have energy and an overall positive sense of my body, mind and spirit and what I am doing.  

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