Thursday, November 13, 2014

Personal Records Broken

I can't believe my body.  I keep doing more and better all the time.  It is the coolest feeling.  I don't want to move too fast and injure myself but I also don't want to plateau in my progress.  It's a delicate balance.  A constant and delicate balance.  My body is transforming.  I don't spend much time looking and when I see me, I don't think I see what everyone else sees.  I don't know if that makes sense to anyone else.  Well today while I was running on the treadmill after I lifted I noticed my traps and shoulders.  I have never had this type of definition.  I am still not where I want to be, I don't know what my most fit self looks like or is capable of doing yet.  

I will find out.  

My fitness journey hasn't been a direct flight but has taken a long winding path.  

I think we all have this experience with something.  

Today as I come down off a workout high my muscles are sore and my body tired.  It feels amazing to push myself hard.  It makes rest pretty amazing and food absolutely delicious.

Until next time.  

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