Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Whole30 Day 30

I am happy to say, I feel great.  

Because, I travel today to see family I went ahead and finalized my weight and measurements and I am writing my final blog for this iteration of my Whole30 cleanse / recage.  

In total honesty, I think after my 3-6 hour drive to Pennsylvania I will have a glass of wine.  I will not feel guilty for that or anything crazy.  I made it.  I was able to analyze my relationship with food to include sugar, dairy, processed food products, fats, protein, vegetables, fruit, and alcohol during a science experiment I conducted on myself.  It was great and my diet choices are changed moving forward.  I have learned a better way to nourish my body and I really love feeling healthy.  

I lost 5 pounds and an inch and a half off my waist and hips (each).  That said, the scale is not a good indication of my success because I have muscular changes and more definition I have never had in my life.

I plan to take care of my body through the holidays but not to stress out about food.  If I want a quesadilla and a margarita, I am going to have it.  I just won't eat like that everyday.  My biggest dietary win is that I won't have the processed garbage like cheese nips in the house to binge on at 9 or 10 pm after I have had a few glasses of wine.  It ruins my sleep.  I like sleep.  It doesn't feed my body and it negates some of the energy I am spending in the gym.  

I don't have to have a beer when I get home from the gym.  Sparkling water is good, hydrates better than beer and supports better sleep.  I really like my sleep.  

Whole30 has been a wonderful journey for me and I plan to do a second round starting January 5th.  Why, you may ask - well I know I am about to totally mess up the reintroduction phase.  There is just no way I can foresee to do justice to reintroduction as I cross the threshold into the holidays.  I am ok with that.  I just really want to experience that phase properly so I can best ID what foods negatively impact me in a controlled environment adding one item and then another like the book says.  

I feel I learned many valuable lessons about myself and food over the last month but I think round two will be even more illuminating.  

For the next month, my blog will focus on holidays, social engagements, restaurants, bars, family, friends and fun.  I am sure food and exercise will slip in.  They are an important part of my life.  

Until next time.  

There is nothing I can do right now to make up for yesterday or perfect tomorrow; so I will just live today the best way I can so tomorrow's yesterday brings a smile.  



Saturday, November 22, 2014

Whole30 and cravings

Yesterday was day 26 of my Whole30 Challenge.  I can honestly say through most of this challenge eating paleo clean has not been very difficult.  I haven't felt like I needed to eat sugar, bread and cheese or die!  Got to have a "drank" now or freak out.  It is surprising to me but this forth week was the most challenging.  

Maybe not such a surprise.  It's the week of my "woman's curse" LOL.  I got a cold sore.  I had two major meetings to prep the boss for.  I didn't get the info to research so I could prep the boss till the last minute.  The info changed multiple times at the very last minute.  

I worked super hard in the gym Tuesday and Wednesday so Thursday I had to rest to let my muscles recover so they'd be ready to go.  Yesterday, I spent over an hour standing outside the Pentagon in heels, a skirt, jacket and short sleeve shirt waiting for the shuttle that never came.  It was 39 degrees out and I was not dressed for spending time outside in it. I cannot make this up.  Finally we called someone in the office to pick us up walked to the other side of the building on painfully frozen feet still in those heels where he could get us.  My muscles were super tight and I was exhausted from that adventure so I gave myself a second consecutive rest night.  I came home to warm up and eat.  Totally needed it.  Then I was in bed early and slept for about 10 hours.  I feel like I made the right choice.  

What amuses me is that the time spent suffering in the cold made me crave pasta, dairy, and wine.  The stress the day before made me want a glass of wine.   I gave myself sparkling mineral water in a wine glass and it totally hit the spot both days.  Last night bison and sweet potato made me feel amazing, better that the fettuccine Alfredo with wine would have, if I remember correctly.  

I look forward to making zoodles and paleo Alfredo sauce but I want to wait until I finish the Whole30.  I know it may seem silly because I think the recipe is compliant but it's also a substitution and I just want to give it a bit more time.  Can't wait bake some paleo friendly pumpkin protein bars!  

I think this is 30 days because you really need that long to face all the emotional ups and downs you face during a month long period.  I know that some people think I am doing a fad diet or extreme diet but unless eating good, delicious, healthy, whole foods is faddish and extreme I think this is a lifestyle I will really enjoy.  I will obviously drink when I want to, when not on a challenge, but I was drinking too many empty calories with dangerous sugars.  It was definitely negatively impacting all the work I was doing in the gym. I want to see the work I am doing in the gym reflected on my body.  The way to do that is to properly fuel my body with food that nourishes it.  

Yesterday was the first cupcake that tempted me.  It was the Sprinkled bacon on top.  Um amazing!  That said, I didn't eat it or feel deprived.  I had a yummy cup herbal tea and my breakfast of ground lamb and broccoli.  

I am excited that I looked some cravings in the face over the last couple days.  I am delighted that I was able to see them for what they were, an emotional response to negative stimulus, not a real desire for something sweet in the morning or a plate of creamy pasta in the evening with a glass of rich deep red wine.  I want to enjoy those foods and drinks when I genuinely want the food or drink not when it is my emotional knee jerk reaction to negative stimulus, stress, or whatever.  

I am blessed that I can separate a genuine food craving from an emotional knee jerk reaction that leads me to shovel food in my face or drink a bottle of wine.  I am grateful for my Whole30 experience.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Whole30 week three complete

Today was day 21 of my Whole30 challenge.  It was a good day.  I completed a 12K and didn't give myself the pizza and beer I normally give myself when I finish a fairly long race.  I even went out to brunch and didn't have my standard mimosa.  3rd weekend with no cheats or non-compliant treats.  

I am ready to finish the challenge.  It's great to do the challenge.  It's fantastic to kick bad habits and unhealthy food relationships.  I really feel like I am going to adopt a primarily paleo diet after this.  This challenge has definitely opened my eyes to how food makes me feel.  I feel so much better when I fuel my body with delicious whole foods lots of veggies and meat.  Bread hasn't been as tempting lately, cake, pie, brownies, cupcakes and other treats haven't been either.  That is not to say that I am not totally looking forward to a delicious treat when this 30 days comes to close.  I just have to decide what delicious treat I want.  

I don't know about weight loss or anything like that.  I guess, I will find out next Wednesday.  At the end of the day though that wasn't why I did this.  I wanted to see if I would sleep better, have less pain, feel more energized, have better wins in the gym and I wanted my digestive system to operate better.  I am sleeping better, my gym wins ROCK, I don't experience gas as frequently (it was pretty constant before to be honest), I feel great most of the time.  The real cool thing is I listen to my body either way though, sometimes my body wants / needs a day to do nothing but nap and rest.  I honor my needs. 

I don't think I recognized my needs very clearly before.  I definitely got out of the habit of fueling my body with high quality food.  I am excited to go out to eat but I really love the food I make myself so takeout crap is so much less appealing than it had become.  That's a good win.  

I have one more weekend with not non-compliant treats.  I know now it is really no problem doing it.  That feels great!  

Until next time.  


My dinner tonight, ground lamb, a bowl of salad greens with lemon and olive oil, cabbage and cherries for dessert.  Yummers!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Personal Records Broken

I can't believe my body.  I keep doing more and better all the time.  It is the coolest feeling.  I don't want to move too fast and injure myself but I also don't want to plateau in my progress.  It's a delicate balance.  A constant and delicate balance.  My body is transforming.  I don't spend much time looking and when I see me, I don't think I see what everyone else sees.  I don't know if that makes sense to anyone else.  Well today while I was running on the treadmill after I lifted I noticed my traps and shoulders.  I have never had this type of definition.  I am still not where I want to be, I don't know what my most fit self looks like or is capable of doing yet.  

I will find out.  

My fitness journey hasn't been a direct flight but has taken a long winding path.  

I think we all have this experience with something.  

Today as I come down off a workout high my muscles are sore and my body tired.  It feels amazing to push myself hard.  It makes rest pretty amazing and food absolutely delicious.

Until next time.  

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Sugar Dragons

Last night I had dreams about having eaten some sugar laden treat, not even a good one, I can't recall what it was, I just remember thinking it wasn't even a "worthy" sweet to trip on.  Ha!  I was also craving sweet treats this weekend.  Not a serious craving but passing thoughts that would interrupt other thoughts.  I guess it's about right though.  

Day 17 and it isn't too hard to stick with it.  I made it through the hurdles I thought were in my way.  I have a lot of energy and I am getting more done with my time.  I sleep very soundly but still don't get sleepy as early as I like even with no caffeine all day.  

I really look forward to having a glass of wine at the end of this 30 days but I believe the food products I banished will be a rare treat vs part of my normal diet.  Obviously time will tell and the reintroduction will lead me to make decisions moving forward.  

Here's to slaying sugar dragons that attack in my sleep. I really believed I had eaten the garbage too.  It was like the book said. I think that is amusing and wanted to share. 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Whole 30 - Week two

I am on day 14 of my Whole 30 challenge.  I don't think there is a good or easy time to do something like this.  My week one hurdle was Halloween and a party with strangers.  This week I raised the bar.  I had a chili cook off and a formal military event to attend.

During the chili competition, I hated not being able to try my friends' chili. Beer, sugar, beans are all non compliant and in their contributions.  I made it through the day and went about my business.  

Mostly the week isn't too hard.  People at work are supportive even if they tease just a bit.  I sidestepped office cupcakes that looked yummy.  I had romantic feelings for a pizza box on Wednesday or Thursday.  The thing is when it was time to hit the grocery store to re supply my meat I was totally cool.  Unfazed by the bread, cheese etc.  The pumpkin beer looked appealing but I will have some in a couple weeks and success will improve the flavor or erase that particular craving.

Last night, I attended an awesome dinner to recognize some very impressive men and women.  It was a formal military event and tradition means a cocktail reception, followed by wine with dinner and last night a Hennesy toast to a couple of the last living crewmembers from the Doolittle Tokyo Raiders.  

The event was just awesome, as in I was in awe.  LTC James Megellas received the Audie Murphy award.  Look him up.  Most decorated officer in 82nd Airborne History.  Completely awe inspiring .  3 Men spoke on the occasion of their 70th anniversary of their legendary stand at Bastogne.  It was incredible.  They are humble and professional.  (I should say I got to meet several of these heroes as they arrived.  I got a hug and kiss from one.  Such a great experience interacting with these men and women.)  The last Rosie the Riveter was honored.  Elinor Otto, 97 years old sharp as a tack, and still working.   LtGen Susan J Helms received the Doolittle Tokyo Raiders Wings of Valor Award.  SFC Joe Kapacziewski received recognition, he was the first and only Ranger to return to combat with a prosthetic limb.  The evening was very exciting.  It made me proud to share a uniform with these heroes and to share a dinner with all the people it takes to support and propel the military forward.  

I was able to avoid falling off the Whole30 challenge while enjoying an evening recognizing heroic men and women.  I think my unhealthy relationship with alcohol during these events was something I really did need to see and identify and realize that I could sidestep.  I am grateful for this challenge.  

Understand, I do want a glass of wine when this is over and I see a bit of bread and cheese as a treat as well but I know and understand that my body feels and performs so much better clean.  

On a side note.  I did not get to sleep until 2.  Got up at 630 and felt the exhaustion and slight headache I would  associate with a hangover.  I ate and felt immediately better and then I went to sleep on my sofa.  Sleep and food are so important in keeping us feeling healthy, happy, and strong.  

Week two down 16 days to go on my challenge and going strong.  

Pictures below are me and James Madio, played Perconte on Band of Brothers and presented the Audie Murphy award last evening.  

My dinner at the event seemed pretty compliant but something on the plate seemed to make my gut expand, it was a bit painful.  

Me at the event and me this week in the gym locker room.  

I don't know my scale gains/losses but I feel great, leaner, stronger, I lift more all the time and I have energy and an overall positive sense of my body, mind and spirit and what I am doing.  

Thursday, November 6, 2014


For the last 10 days I have been doing my whole30 challenge.  One thing I hadn't thought of was chewing gum.  I read all my labels and I am off gum for the challenge.  How has that impacted my life, you ask.  I now floss after every meal and make liberal use of my young living essential oils peppermint oil.  Guess what, my teeth feel smoother.  

Sometimes those little changes lead to other changes that make a healthier you. Or maybe a weirdo who flosses too much.  I haven't decided. 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Whole30 Week 1

I am on day 7 of Whole30.  One week in and I feel amazing.

I went to my first Halloween Costume Party and did not drink, eat sweets, or anything.  I had fun.  I wore awesome shoes and a cute costume.  I met people and interacted with them without a drink to shield me from judgement, criticism, or to help me find the extrovert within.  I wasn't even tempted by the brownies, beer or wine (much ;-)).

So week one.  On the 3rd and 4th day I got raging headaches around 1300.  Sugar dragons.  A spoonful of coconut butter slayed the dragon.  I find that when I need to longer than normal between meals . . . . I      Am       Ok.  This is new and special.  My body is learning to use fat stores to burn for energy.

In an effort of full transparency, I do need to say I prepared my body by cutting things out of my diet for 3 weeks before really starting the challenge.  I have been off dairy and grains, other than a visit to upstate NY last weekend, since early October.   I dropped sugar and alcohol for days at a time and practiced going out to dinner without wine (GASP).  Still it was not easy, psychologically, to go to a party where I only knew one person without my magic shield of wine or beer.

My body is responding so well to this diet.  For the 30 days there is no measuring your body on the scale or with a tape measure.  I have as a matter of habit stepped on the scale, so now the scale is out of eyesight and will not lure me to step on.  It's hard because I see visual and performance results and I want to have a numerical value to assign to my progress along the path to fitness.  That said, pounds of iron pressed or pulled is a pretty awesome numerical value to help me through the next 23 days.

Week 2 holds my next big challenge.  A formal military function without a drink and wine provided on the table as part of the dinner.

I think this lifestyle change is the best choice I have ever made for my body, mind and emotional wellness.